When searching for anyone to work with, you must empower yourself with the right contractor. One mistake when making your selection can cost you time and money. You can do five things to ensure that you don’t end up working with a sub-par contractor.

- Trade sales staff
You want to ensure that you’re getting access to a team that is dedicated and with in-depth experience. Australia is a vast, unique country, and its buildings demand a similar variety of knowledge. Whether you want to design gutters to withstand adverse weather, fires, or for longevity, a knowledgeable staff member should be able to guide you.
More than that, the staff you’re hoping to work with should be willing to provide you with advice on simple and complex situations. A supplier is more than a shop; they’re a partner in your success.
Screen Tech can provide you with 20 plus years of experience and dedicated staff. Their expertise in the industry means that they’ve learned how, when, and why of using different gutter products. Working with multiple businesses in the past means that we take our role as advisor seriously
- Large warehouse stock
When working with a supplier, you want to ensure that they’ll always have what you need in stock. If you find a supplier who can’t confirm their inventory, delivery schedule, or have a constantly changing availability of stock, we’d suggest you be wary.
Screen Tech ensures that their stock is ready before, during, and after your job. Their top priority is providing what you need when you need it. As members of the building industry, we’ve learned that you never can guess when you might need something!
If you want security in your ability to provide supplies for the job, Screen Tech has you covered.
- Large product range
It’s a fact of the building industry that one size never fits all. Your client is reliant upon you to choose the best product for the job – and you don’t want to have to turn them down because you can’t get what you need. Source a supplier with a large variety of high-quality products that allow you to deliver the best service to your client.
We pride ourselves on sourcing the highest quality products and keeping up to date on research and development. Our staff will guide you on what can suit the job, and you’ll be able to get back on the job quickly with next day dispatch. Due to our hard work, we have the most extensive range of gutter guard products in Australia, including fixings, to suit all roof types. Poly aluminium and steel mesh available and a range of speciality screws. If there’s something you need that we haven’t got, our dedicated staff are always available for you to chat with and source what you need.

- Quality products and a good warranty
An inexperienced builder may believe that all products are the same, and the real difference is the pricing. However, we’d caution any builder to check the product warranty and, if possible, any claims history. Some companies may offer lower quality products, and their warranties and claims history reflects that.
A supplier with a warranty of 25 years, like Screen Tech, is confident in its ability to provide the highest quality product. Taking the time to check warranties will pay off as your customers won’t complain, and you won’t need to be redoing any work.
- Easy ordering systems
Knowing that your receiving great products and service won’t help unless their ordering process is useable. Some suppliers don’t keep up to date with modern technology, taking time away from your customers. Screen Tech works hard to ensure an up to date service that will allow you to ditch the forms favouring a smooth online process. Our simple online system allows you to check prices and quote your customers in one fluid movement.
Overall, be selective when choosing your supplier. Their impact on your business is vast, and the wrong choice can leave you stranded. Following are five top tips that should help guide you in the right direction. If you have any questions for us, you can get in contact at sales@screentechind.com.au or (03) 9338 9348.