Architecture Blog

2024’s Top Architectural Trends & Gutter Guard’s Role

2024, the architectural landscape continues to evolve, driven by a confluence of environmental considerations, technological advancements, and a renewed appreciation for natural materials. These shifts are not mere trends but reflect a broader societal movement towards sustainability, efficiency, and harmony with the natural world. At Screen Tech, we recognise architects’ pivotal role in shaping our built environment. This year, we’ve engaged closely with our architectural partners to explore the forefront of architectural innovation.

This exploration has unveiled a series of compelling trends that promise to redefine our spaces, from the dense urban fabric of our cities to the serene expanses of our rural settings. These trends share a common thread: they demand thoughtful consideration of how we protect and preserve the integrity of our structures against the elements.

Top 10 Architectural Trends of 2024 and How ScreenTech is Leading the Way

  1. Eco-friendly and Sustainable Designs
  2. Biophilic Design
  3. Smart Technology Integrations
  4. Natural Timber Material Use
  5. Refurbishment, Repurposing, and Retrofit Solutions
  6. Geometric Roof Designs
  7. Architectural Shingles
  8. Fire-resistant Design
  9. Natural and Rustic Finishes
  10. Cool Roof Solutions 

In this context, Screen Tech’s advanced gutter guard systems emerge as products and integral components of architectural design solutions. They enhance buildings’ longevity and aesthetic appeal while aligning with the principles of sustainability and innovation that are increasingly central to contemporary architecture. This blog post delves into the top architectural trends of 2024 and highlights how Screen Tech is innovatively supporting architects in navigating and excelling in this evolving landscape.

1. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Designs

2024 marks a pivotal year where sustainability transitions from a trend to a foundational principle. Architects are increasingly called upon to weave eco-friendly practices and materials into the fabric of their designs, not just as an afterthought but as a central feature of modern architecture. This shift is driven by a growing awareness of environmental issues and a collective desire to mitigate the impacts of climate change, underscoring the need for buildings that harmonise with their surroundings and promote a sustainable way of living.

Screen Tech is proud to align our product offerings with this green revolution. Our TuffMesh™ and SteelMesh solutions are a testament to our commitment to eco-friendly architecture. Made from materials like powder-coated Aluminum and Colorbond® steel, these products are durable and recyclable and support crucial sustainability practices such as rainwater harvesting. Our TuffMesh™ range boasts AS4020 ratings, and our gutter guard systems ensure that architects can design buildings that look good and contribute positively to the environment.

By incorporating elements like TuffMesh™ and SteelMesh into their projects, architects can significantly reduce maintenance needs and enhance the longevity of structures, all while adhering to the highest standards of environmental stewardship. To learn more about our rainwater harvesting solutions, read our page “Rainwater Harvesting Gutter Guard Solution.”

See our TuffMesh® range.

2. Biophilic Design

Further benefits of gutter guards include significantly reducing the need for regular cleaning and maintenance. Gutter cleaning is an arduous and tedious task. Installing gutter guards saves many homeowners time and effort and reduces the risk of falls and other accidents associated with cleaning. Gutter guard protection systems effectively prevent blocked gutters ensuring that gutters remain clear and functional.

Gutter guards can reduce the amount of gutter maintenance required for gutters but do not eliminate the need for gutter maintenance. Even the best gutter guards are not 100% effective at preventing all debris, leaves, and other materials from entering the gutter system. Over time, some residue may accumulate in the gutter system, requiring cleaning to maintain efficiency and prevent clogging.

Additionally, gutter guards themselves may require cleaning and maintenance to remain effective. For example, some gutter guards may need to be cleared of accumulated debris on top of them or cleaned to remove any dirt or other materials collected on their surfaces.

Furthermore, even with gutter guards in place, it is still important to inspect the gutter system regularly to ensure it is functioning properly and to identify any potential issues that may need to be addressed. This may include checking for any damage to the gutter system, ensuring water flows properly through the gutters and downspouts, and checking for any signs of clogging or other issues.

Read: 5 Best Gutter Guards for Stratco Gutters

Order a sample pack with commercial and standard gutter mesh samples. 

3. Protecting Smart Technology Integrations

The evolution of smart homes and buildings is no longer a glimpse into the future; it has become the present standard. In 2024, the architectural industry sees a deeper integration of smart technologies to enhance energy efficiency, security, and occupant comfort. Protecting solar investments becomes paramount as architects integrate more intelligent systems into their designs.

solar panel bird proofing

Screen Tech’s SolarMesh stands at the intersection of innovation and functionality, offering a pivotal solution for protecting solar panel investments. Debris, leaves, and pests can significantly hamper solar panels’ efficiency, which is integral to the energy efficiency goals of modern smart buildings. SolarMesh ensures that these renewable energy sources continue to operate at optimum levels by providing a barrier against such common issues. Learn more about solar mesh via our blog, “Why solar mesh is a must and not an optional extra!”

Order a sample pack. 

4. Use of Natural Timber Materials

2024 sees a profound appreciation for the intrinsic value of natural materials. Stone and wood, with their timeless elegance and enduring strength, are being increasingly incorporated into designs that seek not just to impress visually but to connect spaces with the natural world. This resurgence is not merely aesthetic but a response to a growing desire for authenticity, sustainability, and spaces that evoke a sense of calm and connection to the earth.

Effective water management plays a vital role in preserving the beauty and integrity of natural materials. Our gutter guard systems are meticulously engineered with features tailored to maximise water drainage capacity while preserving natural materials. Our ember guard products incorporate directional holes and specially designed water troughs. With their smaller hole size, ember guards do not compromise on water capture efficiency. This balance is critical in climates where heavy rainfall can challenge the integrity of architectural designs, particularly those incorporating natural timber.

Moreover, Screen Tech guides architects on implementing a ‘ski-slope’ installation design. This strategic approach ensures that the gutter system remains free of debris and leaves by facilitating their natural slide off the roof, thus preventing accumulation and blockage. This design philosophy not only enhances the functionality of the gutter guard system but also complements the aesthetic appeal of architectural projects by maintaining clean lines and unobstructed surfaces. Our solutions give architects the peace of mind that their choice of natural materials will stand the test of time, resist the elements, and retain their beauty.

Need gutter guard installed?

5. Refurbishment, Repurposing, and Retrofit Solutions

The focus on refurbishing, repurposing, and retrofitting existing structures has emerged as a key trend. This approach pays homage to the architectural narrative embedded within historical edifices and aligns with the ethos of sustainable development by maximising the lifecycle of existing resources. The challenge and opportunity here lie in seamlessly blending the old with the new, ensuring that structures meet contemporary functional requirements while preserving their intrinsic historical and aesthetic value.

Screen Tech’s contribution to this trend is our comprehensive architectural consultation service. We understand that each refurbishment or retrofit project presents its own set of unique challenges and opportunities. Therefore, our team of experts has collaborated closely with architects and designers to identify tailor-made gutter guard solutions that respect and enhance the architectural vision since the project’s inception. Our TuffMesh™ and SteelMesh products, known for their durability and design flexibility, are foundational in protecting and preserving the structural integrity of repurposed buildings. For more information for architects, read “10 Architectural Considerations for Gutter Mesh.”

Our products, such as the TuffMesh™ and SteelMesh ranges, are designed to integrate seamlessly with a variety of architectural styles, from historic renovations to modern retrofits. Their robust construction ensures long-term durability and protection against water damage, a crucial consideration in the preservation and functionality of repurposed buildings.

Moreover, our consultation service places a strong emphasis on aesthetic integration. Screen Tech’s gutter guards are designed to be architecturally sympathetic, complementing the building’s original or intended appearance without compromising functionality. Whether it involves adapting a historic facade or modernising an industrial space for residential use, our solutions are crafted to be inconspicuous yet effective, ensuring water management systems align with the project’s overall design ethos.

6. Geometric Roof Designs

Moving beyond the traditional gable and hip roofs, architects are now embracing asymmetry and angular shapes, a testament to the evolving aesthetic sensibilities and technological advancements in construction. These geometric roofs are not merely aesthetic statements; they redefine the functionality of the roof space, offering enhanced natural lighting, improved rainwater harvesting capabilities, and a distinctive character to buildings.

With the advent of these geometric designs comes the practical consideration of managing more prominent and more complex gutter systems. Traditional gutter solutions often fall short in addressing the unique challenges presented by these modern structures. Screen Tech’s TuffMesh™ gutter guard system rises to this occasion, offering unmatched strength and flexibility. Designed to span across larger gaps and accommodate the unconventional shapes of modern architecture, TuffMesh™ ensures that even the most avant-garde designs benefit from effective water management and protection. Learn more about how to install gutter guard to box gutters, via our YouTube video. 

The importance of maintaining the integrity of these larger gutter systems cannot be overstated. Water damage and blockages can detract from the aesthetic appeal of bold geometric structures and compromise their structural integrity. Screen Tech’s solution not only provides unmatched protection but does so in a way that respects the architectural vision. Our gutter guard systems are discreet and adaptable, ensuring that the functional necessity of water management does not impede the creative ambition of architectural designs. TuffMesh™ not only offers unmatched durability to span larger gaps but blends seamlessly with the modern aesthetic of geometric roofs. This compatibility ensures that the functional aspects of rainwater management do not detract from the architectural vision.

7. Architectural Shingles

Architectural shingles, distinguished by their high-end, dimensional appearance, add depth and texture to roofs. They offer a variety of styles and colours that enable architects around Australia and beyond to craft visually striking and unique rooftops. Far from being purely decorative, architectural shingles also provide enhanced durability and weather resistance, making them an ideal choice for areas subject to diverse climatic conditions.

Screen Tech’s innovative installation techniques are used in projects featuring architectural shingles or larger valley roofs. Our expertise lets us advise architects on incorporating our gutter guard systems to complement architectural shingles’ intricate designs and configurations. This synergy ensures that the functional requirements of effective water management and debris protection are met without compromising the aesthetic integrity of the roof design.

The appeal of architectural shingles lies not just in their visual richness but also in their ability to create a distinct architectural statement. By providing detailed consultation and tailored solutions, Screen Tech aids architects in realising their vision, ensuring that each project’s unique aesthetic and functional demands are addressed without interfering with the architectural statement. Our gutter guard systems are designed to be as adaptable and resilient as the materials they protect. They offer peace of mind that the beauty and integrity of architectural shingle roofs are preserved over time.

Need gutter guard installed?

8. Fire-resistant Design

aluminium ember mesh ember guard

Fire-resistant roofing materials have emerged as a paramount trend, driven by the urgent need to safeguard homes against fires’ devastating impact. This approach to architectural design enhances structures’ safety and resilience and provides homeowners with much-needed peace of mind.

Recognising this critical need, Screen Tech has curated the most comprehensive range of fire protection mesh available. Our ember guard and fire guard range, available in aluminium and steel, addresses the multifaceted threat posed by bushfires with hole sizes below the minimum of 2mm. We designed our products to protect against ember attack, radiant heat, and direct flame contact, representing the pinnacle of fire-resistant technology in roofing materials. Understand more about BAL ratings from our blog, “Gutter Guard BAL Ratings Explained.”

Available in all Colorbond® colours, Screen Tech’s fire protection mesh solutions seamlessly integrate with a wide variety of architectural styles, ensuring that safety measures do not compromise the aesthetic integrity of your home. This compatibility is essential for maintaining properties’ visual appeal while significantly elevating their safety profile against fire hazards.

9. Natural and Rustic Finishes

In 2024, we are seeing a resurgence in the popularity of natural and rustic finishes, and we have seen sale trends in Colorbond® colours, including basalt, dark brown and terracotta. This trend is a nod to the timeless beauty of the earth’s materials and a shift towards authenticity in design. Materials like timber and terracotta tiles have resurfaced for their aesthetic appeal and ability to impart warmth, texture, and a connection to nature in rural and suburban settings. These finishes express a growing desire among architects and homeowners alike for spaces that feel grounded, inviting, and inherently connected to the natural world.

Screen Tech’s full Colorbond® range and tile-colour-matched products complement these natural finishes. Our commitment to providing solutions that enhance and preserve the beauty of rustic designs is evident in our meticulously crafted gutter guard systems. Our expanded tile roof colour range makes us stand out above our competitors.

10. Cool Roof Solutions

With Australia’s climate presenting a significant challenge to maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures, especially during the intense summer months, cool roof technology has surged in popularity.

In response to this growing demand, Screen Tech has introduced its new Dover White™ product colours within our TuffMesh™, SteelMesh, and GutterMesh ranges. This strategic expansion is not merely about offering new colour options; it represents our commitment to supporting cool roof technology. The reflective properties of the Dover White™ colour enhance the effectiveness of cool roofs, complementing their heat-reflective capabilities and contributing to buildings’ overall energy efficiency.

Want to know more? ScreenTech sends gutter guard samples and guides to architects and discusses projects and considerations.

ScreenTech’s TuffMesh® range is the best commercial-grade gutter guard in Australia. It is only available for professional installation and not as a DIY option.

Look no further than ScreenTech’s TuffMesh®, GutterMesh, SteelMesh and SolarMesh products. Our mesh suits Klip-Lok®, Timdeck® corrugated roof types and tiled roofs. Get in touch with a ScreenTech installation partner today.


9 Gutter Guard Benefits All Homeowners Should Know

Gutter guards offer a range of benefits for many homeowners to protect their homes from clogged gutters, water damage, and other issues. Gutter guard systems are designed to provide comprehensive protection for gutters, ensuring they remain clear, functional, and protected against various potential threats.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of gutter guard systems for homeowners and discuss some factors to consider when choosing gutter guards.

What are the benefits of gutter guard?

  • Prevents clogs & blocked gutters 
  • Reduce gutter cleaning & maintenance 
  • Improves water flow
  • Prevents bird and pests infestations
  • Optimising rainwater tank systems
  • Increase gutter guard longevity and strength 
  • Improve property aesthetics 
  • Improves occupants safety
  • Effective gutter guard protection

Prevents Clogs & Blocked Gutters

gutter cleaning service

One of the key benefits of gutter guards is that they effectively prevent gutter blockages. Gutters with gutter guards installed stop leaves and other debris from quickly accumulating in the guttering systems, reducing their efficiency and increasing the risk of water damage to the home. Gutter guards provide a physical barrier preventing clogging by blocking these materials from entering the existing gutters, effectively channelling rainwater away from the home.

Gutter guards prevent water damage caused by overflowing gutters, clogged downspouts or a drain blockage in underground drains. By preventing leaves, debris, and other materials from entering the gutter system, gutter guards can help to ensure that rainwater is efficiently channelled away from the home, reducing the risk of overflowing and clogged downspouts.

In alpine and mountainous regions, gutter guards help to alleviate ice dams by preventing clogging in the gutter system and downspouts. Ice dams form when the snow melts on the roof and runs into the gutter system, where it can freeze and block stagnant water or moisture-ridden leaves.

Gutter guard systems can prevent ice dams by preventing clogging in the gutter system, reducing the risk of water backup and freezing in the gutters. By allowing water to flow freely through the gutter system and downspouts, gutter guard systems can help to reduce the risk of ice dam formation and the associated water damage.

Read: What is a commercial-grade gutter guard? 

See our TuffMesh® range.

Reduces Gutter Cleaning & Maintenance

integrated plastic gutter mesh

Further benefits of gutter guards include significantly reducing the need for regular cleaning and maintenance. Gutter cleaning is an arduous and tedious task. Installing gutter guards saves many homeowners time and effort and reduces the risk of falls and other accidents associated with cleaning. Gutter guard protection systems effectively prevent blocked gutters ensuring that gutters remain clear and functional.

Gutter guards can reduce the amount of gutter maintenance required for gutters but do not eliminate the need for gutter maintenance. Even the best gutter guards are not 100% effective at preventing all debris, leaves, and other materials from entering the gutter system. Over time, some residue may accumulate in the gutter system, requiring cleaning to maintain efficiency and prevent clogging.

Additionally, gutter guards themselves may require cleaning and maintenance to remain effective. For example, some gutter guards may need to be cleared of accumulated debris on top of them or cleaned to remove any dirt or other materials collected on their surfaces.

Furthermore, even with gutter guards in place, it is still important to inspect the gutter system regularly to ensure it is functioning properly and to identify any potential issues that may need to be addressed. This may include checking for any damage to the gutter system, ensuring water flows properly through the gutters and downspouts, and checking for any signs of clogging or other issues.

Read: 5 Best Gutter Guards for Stratco Gutters

Order a sample pack with commercial and standard gutter mesh samples. 

Improves Gutter Water Flow

tuffmesh poly plastic gutter guard

Gutter guards can also improve water flow through gutters and downspouts, reducing the risk of overflow and water damage. During heavy rainfall, gutters can become overwhelmed with water, leading to overflowing and clogged downspouts, which can cause water damage to the home. Gutter guards help prevent these issues by improving water flow through the gutter system.

Additionally, some gutter guard systems are designed with features that enhance their ability to handle heavy rain. For example, some high-quality ember guards have directional holes and water troughs. Other gutter meshes, like TuffMesh™ gutter guards, have large hole sizes that increase water flow but filter other debris, helping to prevent overflowing and clogged downspouts even during heavy rain.

Read: Bunnings Gutter Guard Range Review 

Order a sample pack with commercial and standard gutter mesh samples. 

Prevents Bird & Pest Infestations

Gutter guard systems can prevent birds from nesting in gutters by making it difficult for birds to access the gutter system. Birds are often attracted to gutters as a suitable place to build nests, which can result in clogged gutters and other issues.

Gutter guard systems can prevent birds from nesting in gutters by creating a physical barrier that makes it difficult for birds to enter the gutter system. For example, some gutter mesh systems made from mesh are too small for birds to penetrate, while others have a design that makes it difficult for birds to access the gutter and roof space.

Some gutter guard or leaf guard systems are designed with features that actively discourage birds from nesting in gutters. For example, some gutter guards have a sloping design that makes it difficult for birds to build nests in the gutter system, while others have a texture or surface that birds find unpleasant to touch or grip.

Gutter guard systems can be effective against insects by eliminating stagnant water sitting in the gutters. Many insects, such as mosquitoes, ants, and other pests, are attracted to standing water in gutters as a breeding ground. Insects lay their eggs in the stagnant water that accumulates in clogged gutters.

Gutter guard systems can be effective against vermin infestation by preventing rodents, such as rats and possums, from accessing the gutter system. Vermin are often attracted to gutters as a suitable place to build nests and forage for food and can cause significant damage to the gutter system and the home’s structure.

While gutter guard systems are highly effective against insects, possums and birds, they may not provide complete protection against mice and rats. This is because mice and rats are highly adaptable and can often find ways to access the gutter system, even with gutter guards in place.
Mice and rats can gnaw through various gutter guard materials, including plastic, vinyl and foam, and climb over or squeeze through gaps in gutter guard systems. Additionally, mice and rats can access the foundations and walls of the home.

Read: Do all new homes need bird proofing?

Need gutter guard installed?

Optimise Rainwater Harvesting Systems

Regarding gutter guards that meet AS4020 drinking standards, choosing a product made from safe materials for drinking water systems is important. The AS4020 standard sets out strict requirements for the materials used in products that come into contact with drinking water, including metal gutter guards. The most commonly used materials for gutter guards that meet AS4020 drinking standards include aluminium, which uses high-quality powder coating.

These materials are safe for use in rainwater tank systems where water is used for consumption or use around the home. These gutter guards prevent contamination from leaves, other debris, and other materials that can enter the guttering system. When choosing a gutter guard for a drinking water system, it is important to ensure that it meets the requirements of the AS4020 standard and is made from safe, non-toxic materials that will not pose a risk to the quality of the drinking water.

ScreenTech’s TuffMesh™ Aluminium meets AS4020 drinking water standards and is commercial-grade and suitable for all roof and gutter types.

Increases Gutters Longevity & Strengths

By preventing clogging and reducing the need for regular cleaning, complex gutter protection systems can also increase the longevity of gutters and downspouts, helping protect the home’s investment. High-quality complex gutter protection systems, made from durable materials, can effectively prevent clogging and increase the longevity of gutters.

Gutter guards can strengthen gutters in several ways, depending on the gutter guard used. Some gutter guards are designed to reinforce the structure of the gutter itself, helping to prevent sagging and other forms of damage that can occur over time. For example, gutter guards made from sturdy materials such as stainless steel or aluminium can support the gutter system, helping prevent sagging and other damage caused by heavy rain or snow.

Another way that gutter guards can strengthen gutters is by preventing clogging and improving water flow through the gutter system. Clogged gutters can place additional stress on the gutter system, increasing the risk of sagging and other forms of damage. By preventing clogging and improving water flow, gutter guards can help to reduce the stress on the gutter system, strengthening it and extending its lifespan.

Read: Plastic vs metal gutter guards | What’s best?

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Improve Property Aesthetics

Gutter guard systems can improve property aesthetics by enhancing the gutter system’s appearance and the home’s overall look. Additionally, some gutter guard systems are designed to be virtually invisible, blending in with the roofline and the home’s exterior. This helps maintain the home’s natural look while still providing the functional benefits of a gutter guard system.

Colorbond® gutter guards are considered superior for aesthetics for several reasons. Colorbond® is a well-known and respected brand in Australia, known for producing high-quality building products, including gutter guards. Colorbond® gutter guards are pre-painted, powder-coated materials known for their durability and resistance to fading, chipping, and peeling.

Colorbond® gutter guards are ideal for homeowners who want a gutter guard system that will look good for years. Colorbond® gutter guards come in a range of colours that match roofing and cladding products, making it easy for homeowners to choose a gutter guard system that complements the colour of their roof and gutters. This can enhance the home’s overall look and improve property aesthetics.

Read: Ultimate Colorbond Gutter Guard Guide 

Improves Occupant Safety

Gutter protection systems improve the safety of the occupants by reducing the need for regular cleaning and maintenance of gutters, reducing the risk of falls and other accidents associated with gutter cleaning.

Working at heights around the home can be dangerous for several reasons. One of the primary risks associated with working at heights is the risk of falls. Falls from heights can result in severe injury or death. Leaf guards prevent ladder accidents or issues with moisture-laden debris at elevated surfaces, increasing the risk of falls.

Effective Bushfire Protection

Ember guard is designed explicitly for bushfire protection. An ember guard system prevents lighted embers from entering the gutter system.

Ember guard and gutter guard are two distinct types of gutter protection systems designed for specific purposes. An ember guard protects the home against ember attacks during bushfires. In contrast, a gutter guard is designed to prevent gut clogging and improve rainwater management systems’ efficiency. Ember guards but be made from fire-resistant materials, including aluminium, steel and bronze. High-quality ember guards have a trough to ensure gutters do not overflow.

The key differences in ember guard requirements in different bushfire-prone (Bal) rated areas are determined by the risk associated with each area. In Australia, buildings in bushfire-prone areas are assigned a bushfire attack level (BAL) rating based on the threat posed by bushfires.
The BAL rating determines the required level of protection for buildings and structures, including the requirement for ember guard systems. Higher BAL ratings indicate a higher level of risk, so a higher level of protection is required.

For example, in areas with a BAL-LOW rating, ember guard systems may not be required, while in areas with a BAL-FZ (flame zone) rating, ember guard systems may be required to provide complete protection against embers and radiant heat. In areas with a BAL-40 or BAL-29 rating, ember guard systems may be required to provide partial protection against embers and radiant heat.

It is important to note that building codes and regulations for ember guard systems in bushfire-prone areas can vary between states and territories in Australia. We recommend consulting with local authorities and fire services to determine the specific requirements for each area.

Read: Ember Guard Case Study: Yarra Ranges Special School

At Screen Tech, we firmly recommend an integrated mesh system as the most effective and durable gutter guard solution.

Screen Tech has over 20 years in the gutter protection industry, with extensive knowledge of gutter guard installation, roofing and building management for your gutter guard job. We have an extensive range of aluminium, poly and steel mesh products that can fit any Stratco gutter. We supply roofing companies and gutter guard installers across Australia with affordable delivery options.

Use our gutter guard estimation services to quote your next project, or call our expert team for advice and assistance for your gutter guard job.

Integrated mesh guards can come in various materials, such as ScreenTech’s GutterMesh and TuffMesh® ranges, including aluminium, Colorbond® steel, and poly. Each range includes

Want to know more? ScreenTech sends gutter guard samples and guides to architects and discusses projects and considerations.

ScreenTech’s TuffMesh® range is the best commercial-grade gutter guard in Australia. It is only available for professional installation and not as a DIY option.

Look no further than ScreenTech’s TuffMesh®, GutterMesh, SteelMesh and SolarMesh products. Our mesh suits Klip-Lok®, Timdeck® corrugated roof types and tiled roofs. Get in touch with a ScreenTech installation partner today.


10 Architectural considerations for gutter mesh 

An integrated mesh system is a comprehensive, permanent gutter guard product loved by architects as a permanent and aesthetically-appealing solution. A complete system, also known as a leaf guard, includes a micro-mesh and fixtures – trims and saddles.

It is the most durable and sustainable gutter protection system for all roof types, including corrugated, trimdek®, Klip-Lok®, tiled, roof valley areas and more.

Here are ten considerations when selecting a gutter mesh for your integrated gutter mesh system for your next project:


What type of strength is required? A standard strength gutter guard is sufficient for most domestic applications, but properties that include box gutters or parapets will need a stronger commercial strength gutter guard for additional strength.

Commercial-grade gutter guard is 50% stronger and therefore doesn’t sag spanning gaps over 500mm wide, which increases strength and durability over time. ScreenTech’s TuffMesh® range is the best commercial-grade gutter guard on the Australian market.

Read: What is a commercial-grade gutter guard? 

See our TuffMesh® range.


integrated gutter guard

The key to an integrated gutter mesh system is the mesh’s ski-slope permanently fixed to the outer edge of the gutter lip and roof or roof tiles. The slope encourages leaves and debris to slide to the ground while ensuring water does not sheet over the top of the gutter guard.
Installers must shape the mesh to specific roof areas. An aluminium mesh is more easily malleable. However, brittle materials like steel may be required for ember guard situations where an aluminium solution may not work.

Order a sample pack with commercial and standard gutter mesh samples. 


Gutter guard lifespan varies across products and materials. Typically, a comprehensive gutter guard, like an integrated gutter guard system, come with a 10-to-15-year warranty. Ember guards also include similar warranties between a 10-to-15-year warranty.

A commercial solution, both ember guard and gutter guard, typically includes an extended warranty of up to 25 years. We recommend matching the guttering, roof and gutter guard warranties. Thus, the best time to install a gutter guard is during construction.

Order a sample pack with commercial and standard gutter mesh samples. 


tuffmesh poly plastic gutter guard

Gutter guards come in an array of Colorbond® colours for corrugated, Klip-Lok® and Trimdek® roofs. ScreenTech also includes speciality colours such as terracotta for tiled roofs and zinc or uncoated.

ScreenTech boasts an impressive colour range of 25 colours. We also partner with topcoat powder-coating in Melbourne and can custom powder coat to any colour as a particular order on some products.


Colour Options:


Classic Cream®

Cottage Green®

Dark Brown

Deep Ocean®


Evening Haze®




Manor Red®


Night Sky®

Pale Eucalypt®


Shale Grey®





Woodlands Grey®


Need gutter guard installed?


A gutter guard can vary in appearance depending on the mesh thickness and the hole aperture size. ScreenTech encourages architects to use gutter guard photo guides for the best aesthetics.

Weather Resistance

The location, climate and weather conditions will affect your choice of material. Areas prone to severe hailstorms require a thicker mesh and would benefit from commercial-grade gutter mesh. Similarly, gutter guards in tropical regions suit integrated mesh systems with larger hole sizes to minimise sheeting during storms and heavy downpours.

Coastal applications in areas with high salt concentrations are more susceptible to rust and corrosion, so polyethylene gutter mesh is more suitable and durable. Larger hole sizes are also more suited to minimise sheeting during storms and heavy downpours.

Read: Plastic vs metal gutter guards | What’s best?

Need gutter guard installed?

Rain harvesting

Gutter guards in rain harvesting systems must have an AS4020 rating for potable water use. Many property owners also like to use an AS4020-rated system for water used around children, pets or bathroom appliances.

Plastic gutter guards do not meet Australian drinking water standards. However, not all metal gutter guards meet these standards either. Always ask for Australian water standard certificates if using your gutter guard to filter tank water used in the home.


BAL Rating

Stratco gutters gutter guard

Buildings in bushfire-prone areas must use a BAL-rated gutter guard. Aluminium gutter guards and ember guards are suited to BAL12 and BAL29 areas. BAL40 & BALFZ-rated areas require steel or copper gutter mesh to comply with Australian standards.

Unlike gutter guards, ember guards have a hole size less than 2mm wide. The 2mm hole size prevents burning embers from igniting leaf litter that settles in your gutter system. Ensure the local planning requirements to determine your site’s type of ember guard category and build requirements.

Read: Ember Guard Case Study: Yarra Ranges Special School

Pest Control

A gutter guard is excellent for pest control measures, but choosing the right gutter mesh the kind of pest you are proofing. For small birds, a standard-thickness gutter guard is appropriate. However, proofing against larger pests such as possums, rats, and larger birds requires a thicker commercial-grade mesh to help ensure the property remains pest-free.

A 100% bird-proofing solution is possible if all access points to the roof, eaves and walls are protected. A 100% bird proofing also requires a solar panel bird mesh that covers and protects your solar panel from birds nesting underneath.

Read: Do all new homes need bird proofing?

Arboreal Factors

Leaf proofing considers a property’s surrounding trees and vegetation for seeds and leaves and the aperture size of the mesh.

For example, pine tree debris suits an ember guard with a smaller hole size. In contrast, a standard gutter guard will sufficiently proof eucalyptus trees larger pods and leaves. A more robust and thicker mesh is more suitable and durable if large gum tree branches surround your property.

Want to know more? ScreenTech sends gutter guard samples and guides to architects and discusses projects and considerations.

Look no further than ScreenTech’s TuffMesh®, GutterMesh, SteelMesh and SolarMesh products. Our mesh suits Klip-Lok®, Timdeck® corrugated roof types and tiled roofs. Get in touch with a ScreenTech installation partner today.